Where do I drop my cassava and millet offertory with the TV churches?

One does not have to attend church to pray or provide his offertory these days.
All these are brought right into our living rooms via the TV broadcasts that are complete with M-Pesa lines running conspicuously along the screen.
I do miss the good old Christian churches that would accept all sorts of offertory, including millet, beans, maize and the like.

These days the church on our TV does not give direction on where you can drop your millet, sorghum or eggs; just a phone number that only accepts money transfers.
The sad state of affairs is compounded by the fact that these “churches” broadcast “miracles” and healing that are simply ridiculous, to say the least.
We have seen people we know so well claiming to have been born blind or lame, and having been healed, yet all these years we have known them, they have been quite normal, without a single birth defect.
I have concluded from my observations that these miracles are only available in the churches that are having live TV broadcast and not the “traditional” churches like Catholic, Anglican, SDA, PCEA, AIC etc.

Apparently, God only performs miracles in churches with live TV coverage and nowhere else.
I do believe in miracles and offertory, but I fear these so-called churches will soon provide a premium phone number to let you speak to God directly!


  1. And not my church too, Kenya Mennonite Church! Hahaha,just saying.


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