It is a curse being a young man in Africa...

I am sandwitched between some young man and an equally young lady at the back seat of this matatu on my way to town.... The young man kept asking me to lean forwards so he can converse with the young lady.... I kept obliging every time since I was young once too.. He has been pleading with her for her phone number for the past 22 kms to which she has maintained she has no phone and sternly so. The 
young man is not giving up yet and we are at kilometer 40 already with less than 20 to before we arrive in Kisumu....

And now just a few minutes ago, the young lady has answered her phone and kept a conversation going for 2kms of the journey.... I have been leaning forwards waiting for the man to ask one last time for the number but ni mimi mwenye mgongo naumia, he has given up and I just have to lean back and reduce his pain....

Being a young man is a big curse in Africa and truly so when you are barely 22. Your competitors are already earning a salary and I fully understand this young man since he knows the rule that if you wait for the potato to cool, it will cool yes but in someone's mouth.

I should have a daughter.
