Of digital vs analogue humour: The day we tried to trick my mum..

So we are watching this hybrid of Churchill Live on NTV with my mum and small bro....

My mum asks why the audience keeps laughing at things that do not make sense to her and also why those guys don't make any sense.....

I tell her its a comedy show and its all fun that people are laughing at. She asks that we change the channel to KBC and look for some Ojwang or Mama Kayai for jokes that make sense....

Since my dad always reminded us that the house belongs to the woman and this happens to be his wife and therefore the owner if the house; we had to think fast and very fast indeed!

We declare unanimously that the modern TV doesn't pick KBC signal and my small bro picks the remote, looks at me with a smile and shuffled to AV1,AV2, Component and back to NTV then we declare again that KBC isn't available....

We think we have won squarely when she asks that we connect her old Greatwall 12 inch black and white TV which shows KBC and disconnect the modern one we have....

We are finished!


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