Blind dating; A boda boda perspective....

Okay... I learnt something today from a bicycle boda boda who carried me from work to the bus stop...

He gets a call and due to the technological advancement in these Chinese phones, their speakers are also very advanced in sound such that their lowest volume sounds like a hands free on other original phones they counterfeited. That however is not the point which is that I could not help but hear his conversation in full.

All I admire in this young man is his use of flawless Swahili in speaking his heart out to the lady on the other end. One sentence that made me smile was,''wewe niahidi tu utakuwa ni wangu nami nitatulia...'' How I wished I could have used such lines many years ago on Lydia too, I would not need to even go to Karachuonyo to ask the elders for permission. She would have got into a box drawn on the ground even before the real box was found aingie ndani!

The bicycle rider decides to fill me in on what was happening and how he had been given the lady's number by the sister. Considering how the lady's sister looked and her physique, he was convinced that the lady on the line was equally hot. To some extent that is true since sisters tend to look alike in most cases anyway.

He tells me that the first day he called the number, another man called back and threatened him with a few insults for calling his 'wife'. It reminded me of the days when my ID card was not very old and I also received such threats from imaginary husbands, one of them included a threat to stab me. His reasoning was interesting and that is the lesson I learnt today. He informed me that he knows that when one calls you on the phone and opts to insult you for whatever reason, that person insulting you is usually the weaker one so he did not bother to pick a battle with the guy.

Interestingly he also told me that he has never seen the lady she was talking to who also has no clue where he works or lives but I am sure with the fluency that young man has in Swahili, no lady would ask for his second name let alone if - not where - he works. The young man faulted the lady for allowing him to continue having a phone relationship without asking to meet him physically. He thought that the lady should have hoarded information from him and insisted on seeing him first before allowing the communication to run for the many weeks it had been....

On this thought, I really had no opinion on how to judge the lady on my part.... When I was in college and tried to call a lady blindly I was discovered in less than 2 minutes. She said two sentences,''I know that voice and I have heard it in college, tomorrow I will hunt you down and show you that I know you'' and true to her word, she extracted me from the library the next morning. That marked the first and second last time I ever tried these types of blind calls. But anyway, it was better than writing ''I love you Atieno'' on a sisal leaf in the village as the older generations did....

Tomorrow, I will pick another boda boda and extract a new tale. It is good to talk a lot to strangers as in so talking, one learns a lot.


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