Dear Amor,
Your mama's doctor called me last evening (29th March 2015) and informed me that your residence permit has expired and that it shall not be renewed. As such, he advised that I take the earliest and quickest means of travel to be with your mama as we welcome you to the world. That was in the evening of March 29th 2015. I heeded his call and drove down to Nairobi from Mombasa City 466 kilometers away to be close to your mama as you make your grand entrance. Your mama and I have had a chance to see you but you have never opened your eyes or lips to see us too or smile back at us. From the scans, you are indeed at peace in your current abode and already radiate joy in you with which you intend to fill our lives for the rest of time.

We are very excited to see you in person as soon as you decide you are ready to see the world. We await you with great amounts of love that we shall shower you for the rest of your life beginning from the moment you will make that grand entry with a cry to signify a change of environment - I however suspect that you will smile instead of crying like many of us did on day one. It is rumoured that you have a smile as beautiful as that of your father.

We have made all the preparations that we could humanely do in anticipation of your coming. We have in the process suffered bouts of anxiety and confusion on how to handle you while you are still away in your home. We have read so much about pregnancy and how to handle you in your mother's womb than the doctors ever get to read in Medical School. Your mama has cried with joy at times, has laughed and has been at the top of the world with excitement when she feels you inside her and as you decide to kick, squat, throw your arms around or just be in a fine mood to change the shape of your mama's tummy in public. Oh Amor! You have proven so far that you are coming in with a bang and coming to hit the road running. We welcome you with so much love our baby.

Mama's doctor says you should be coming in on 31st March but we all know you are the one who finally decides once God clears you for entry. Mama says we must allow you to decide when you want to arrive; you see we are already letting you make the big decisions in your life starting with when and how you come. Outside here there is a day called April Fool's Day which falls on 1st of April. It is a day people pull pranks on one another. Should you arrive on 1st April, we shall cherish and love you and not assume that you are pulling a prank on us dear girl.

You are coming into a world that has not fully appreciated girls to be as capable as boys. That your brain has the same abilities as that of a boy. That your ambitions need to be within the comfortable expectation of the male members of the society and that most of the things you will attain in life will be greatly defined by how much men allow you to go that far. Do not despair my daughter for you are already a champion in your own right. Making it alive alone is a great achievement on your part and you must never look back with disappointment on the day you came to this world. 

You are here with a purpose and that purpose is to make the greatest positive impact on earth and those who live herein. We shall hold your hands throughout your life towards making your dreams come true. You are as capable as any other human being so come in with the right attitude towards success and you shall achieve more than your daddy has ever achieved.

You will at some point get to know that there is another way people get defined in Kenya but hope that when you grow older, you find that people will want to judge and offer you opportunities depending on what tribe you are. I do pray and believe that during your life, you will see a change of this rot such that you are first viewed as a human, secondly as a daughter of your parents and country and a global citizen whose calling you are coming here to serve. Yes, you are a Luo not by your choice but by circumstances outside your control. Do not run away from that identity due to shame or stigma or stereotype. Carry that tag with pride but do not use your tribal identity to oppress those who do not come from the same tribe or to grant favours only to those who come from within.

We have named you 'Amor' which is a Luo word meaning 'I am happy'. We believe that you are coming in not only to bring happiness in our lives but also to the entire world and that you will always radiate happiness whenever you are with whoever you interact with. Your other name is 'Arodi' which is a name that belongs to one great man. The man is your grandfather who has called us today and yesterday to ensure us that your entry will be well and smooth and that God is in control. He is loving father to your papa and a great friend of your mama. We decided to let you carry that name with you so that his legacy runs with you whenever and wherever you will be in this world. We are currently beseeching God to keep him alive for many more years to come so that you have a chance to meet him, play with him and speak to him.

On my part as your father, I have borrowed an idea from Steve Harvey on holding an 'Annual Father - Daughter Dinner Date'. I shall ensure that I take you out for a dinner once a year on the 2nd Saturday of July of each year for as long as I am alive. During this day, we shall have fun and you will share with me your challenges and how you would like papa to help you overcome.

You will have a chance to always have a sounding board for your dreams and desires and I promise to hold your hands towards achieving them. Daddy will pass to you nuggets of wisdom got over the years from his life experience and from your grandfather who speaks to him many times to educate him.

We promise to love you unconditionally, to always be there for you and to provide you with the very best that we can ever offer you our loving daughter. Please remember to always reach out to us throughout your life as you will forever remain our little loved girl. We are waiting with bated breath to see you in person and develop a more personal relationship with you as we help you navigate your way around the world in which you come to make a great and positive impact. I promise to always be there for you for your entire life.

Welcome to the world Daughter Aryana Amor Arodi. I pray this letter stays long enough for you to read it some day.


  1. Dear Arodi, What a lovely letter you have written to the lucky Amor! She is blessed by wonderful parents who will treasure and guide her. I wish you well and send a hearty congratulations! Best Regards, Kathy O'Driscoll

  2. Tom you are the best dad ,otherwise happybirthday to your daughter may she a blessing all the days of her life and may you live to your fullest to see her dreams and achievements


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