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Fake Friends!

We have all seen such pronouncements every other month in different forms or media, be they social media or even through verbal declarations. I have had the misfortune of being labelled an enemy as well along these paths. But, who really is a friend? Someone who is not an enemy is considered a friend.  Right? What is the definition of a friend? I ran a quick web search and came up with the following:  A friend is a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations. The definition might not be entirely correct based on individual definitions and experiences but there is a clear understanding of what a friend is. It does not indicate that your colleague cannot be your friend, that your own family cannot have a friend for you or that someone whose navel and yours have met does not fit a definition of friend. I have good friends at a personal level whose navels and mine met in person at some point in their growth...

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